As a body of selected successful companies and personalities, we want to play an active role in shaping the future of Europe and make our network knowledge and experience available to political decision-makers in a dialogue based on partnership. To this end, we have set up our own working groups at European level to deal with important issues.
Through our office in Brussels and our close cooperation with the Taxpayers Association of Europe (TAE), we have access to a Europe-wide network of companies/entrepreneurs and organisations with around one million members.
This gives our EES-Members the exclusive opportunity to raise issues and put forward solutions for discussion. Following thematic EU Working Groups (ABC) have already been set up:
Committees are integral part of the EES.
Working Groups at the EU-Level:
Artificial Intelligence
Digital Platforms
Emerging Markets
Finance, Currency and Taxation
Health and Nutrition
Tourism and Mobility
Further working groups, such as ‘Combating climate change’ and ‘Logistics and Mobility’, are planned.
Our EES members are cordially invited to participate in meetings and events. These EU Working Groups usually meet digitally.
Contact person and coordinator of the working groups is Dr Horst Heitz, Head of EES Office Brussels.