If education is to be forward-looking, then the future, ie personal career and life planning, must be included in it.


Entrepreneurs go to schools and answer questions from students in the last three school years. They provide information about economic relationships, the opportunities and risks of an entrepreneur, and the social importance of becoming self-employed. In this way, the students' knowledge of economics, entrepreneurship and the functioning of our social market economy, which is largely insufficient from the economic point of view, should also be expanded. These contacts result in lasting partnerships between the local economy and the educational institutions.



  • Pre-professional orientation.
  • Recognizing opportunities and risks as a challenge.
  • Shaping the image of the younger generation and entrepreneurs more positively by reducing mutual resentment.
  • Preparation and attitude for lifelong learning with the help of new technologies and learning methods.
  • Create internships and apprenticeships.
  • Entrepreneurs take on sponsorships and make themselves, their company and management available on a long-term basis.
  • Cooperation between entrepreneurs and schools
  • Information about: Economy, companies, entrepreneurship as an important social task, start-ups, company succession, personal and professional requirements for entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurs' expectations of applicants: Knowledge of the use and application of new technologies and the associated learning opportunities, lifelong learning, ability to work in a team , core values.
  • The entrepreneurs promote better preparation for starting a career and equip schools with IT technology from company stocks, or take on the financing of new hardware alone or in teams.
  • Strengthening of the social network between the generations.



  • The project manager presents the project, goals and content.
  • Students ask entrepreneurs and project managers questions, for example on the following topics:
  • What does an entrepreneur do with his profit and how big is it?
  • What are the possibilities and requirements for an internship or an apprenticeship?
  • Tax burden and effects of tax reform on companies.
  • Framework conditions (funding opportunities) for start-ups and company successors, possibly using the example of the entrepreneur.
  • What knowledge do entrepreneurs have about the current situation regarding IT equipment and training in schools?
  • Why are companies moving jobs abroad?
  • Effects (risks or opportunities) of globalization.
  • Interaction between politics, collective bargaining partners and entrepreneurs.
  • How do I become an entrepreneur?



The headmasters, teachers and above all the students show great interest in the dialogue and the opportunities for cooperation with the entrepreneurs!

The uniform statements of the students (but also the school management and teachers) after the events were:

"We didn't know that and therefore found it particularly important and interesting to have discussed the topics in this way and with this openness."

"If entrepreneurs tell it yourself and information is conveyed in direct contact with the students, then it is more interesting and comprehensible than any text in a textbook."

Within this project we experience a noticeable strengthening of the social network, both between the generations and - or above all - between young people who are in the orientation phase and are more or less dependent on their parents and independent, successful (possibly also wealthy) entrepreneurs who have defined goals, have achieved them through hard work and are always facing new challenges!

The young people recognize that the willingness to take entrepreneurial and personal risks can be worthwhile!

For example, the question asked by the project manager "Who is seriously interested in becoming an entrepreneur yourself?" was answered positively by 10-20% of the students at the beginning of the event and by 20-40% at the end of the event.

These results are encouraging. With our commitment, we contribute to ensuring that entrepreneurship is understood by the students as a personal challenge and attitude to life, and that young people have a much more positive attitude towards founding new companies or taking over existing ones.

They recognize the connections between politics, education and business as well as between entrepreneurs and employees; but also the need to create the necessary framework conditions for companies, which then have to be implemented consistently by the entrepreneurs.

Only today's younger generation is able to provide the necessary jobs for future prosperity and social peace in our country as entrepreneurs of a medium-sized company and thus to offer security and a future to society as a whole.

Entrepreneurs are aware of their major social challenge.

We are committed to a prosperous economy through partnership-based cooperation with politics and society, and with our project we help the young generation to prepare for their future with great challenges.