Statement by EES President Dr Ingo Friedrich, January 6th, 2025

Europe 2025: Surviving in a World between Autocrats and Power Games

The global order appears to be increasingly moving away from the principles of a rules-based system. Autocratic leaders like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as well as populist politicians like Donald Trump shape the international stage. Their political style is based on national self-interest, which ignores international agreements and ushers in an era of disorder, characterized by a strife for power and struggles for dominance.

Return of the Rule of the Strongest

The vision of a stable world order, supported by institutions such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the European Union, is faltering. Instead of negotiations and multilateralism, national strength and egoism are dominating again. This development threatens global progress and leads to a world in which those economically and militarily weaker are forced to submit. The “peace dividend” of past decades seems to have definitely been lost.

The High Cost of Chaos

This path also has consequences for the supposedly powerful. Economic isolation, the high costs of military conflicts and the loss of international credibility reduce their long-term strength. At the same time, counter-coalitions are forming that question the dominance. In the long term, such developments could promote the realization that a cooperative world order is more beneficial for everyone. Until then, however, there is a risk of a turbulent transition period full of uncertainty.

Europe's Assertion in a Fractured World

Europe faces the challenge of asserting itself in this uncertain world and preserving its values. The most important areas of action are:

  1. Strengthen internal unity: Only a united Europe can act as a credible actor. Political, economic and military capabilities must be expanded.
  2. Defend rules-based order: Europe should present itself as a guardian of international norms and strengthen alliances with like-minded partners.
  3. Promote economic resilience: Independence in strategic areas such as energy, technology and supply chains is essential to prevent blackmail.

A retreat from global conflicts may seem tempting, but it is completely unrealistic. In a world dominated by power games and aggressive actors, Europe must act decisively and wisely.

Strength and Cohesion are Key

Europe's survival strategy lies in a unified demeanor and the willingness to invest in economic and military strength. This is the only way to preserve the “European way of life”, characterized by freedom, democracy and prosperity. These sacrifices are necessary to secure the continent's achievements.

Preparation for Possible Challenges

Europe must actively analyze possible scenarios and be prepared:

  • Conflicts between the USA and China: Can Europe act as a mediator and contribute to de-escalation?
  • China-Russia alliances: How should Europe react if these powers exert pressure together?
  • Russia's future: While Putin dreams of a "Eurasian empire," Europe's goal could be a civilized Russia that supports global stability with the EU.

In times of upheaval, every challenge also presents opportunities. Europe must be ready to use this and emerge from the crisis stronger than before.

Europe's Global Message

In addition to strengthening its own position, Europe must convey a clear vision:

“Europe stands for peace, freedom, human rights and prosperity.”

With inner strength and a convincing message, Europe can maintain its leadership role and contribute to stabilizing the world.