EES EU Live (09/2023)
September 5, 2023
EES EU Live (09/2023) - The Digital Senators' Briefing
>>Book presentation and discussion<
"Emergency Preparedness.
Sustainable #Food #WATER #Energy Future
In othis edition of our EES Live we want to present the highly interesting new book by Dr Paul RÜBIG, partner and expert of the European Economic Senate (EES).
The world is changing and not only because of the climate! More people simply need more resources. Food, water and energy are threatening to become scarce.
The example of water shows very clearly what challenges we are facing: The need for water, one of the basic necessities of life, is growing faster than the world's population. Agriculture and other industries are becoming increasingly intensive users of water, climate change is already having an immense impact worldwide and competition between the various user groups is steadily increasing. At the same time, billions of people around the world still do not have access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation. The dialogue on the worldwide challenges in water and sanitation management is only just beginning and a sustainable water future must be brought to the fore.
How we can properly prepare for such emergencies and avoid bottlenecks is the subject of the book "Emergency Preparedness - Sustainable #Food #WATER #Energy Future". In individual essays, not only are the current challenges named, but also concrete solutions (best practice examples) are shown through marketable technological innovations in various areas.
This book not only provides answers to some of the world's most pressing problems, it shows how innovative thinking should be used to address challenges for humanity around the globe.
President of the European Economic Senate (EES)
MEP ret, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC),
Member of the Board of Directors of the European Institute of Technology,
Author and Editor