Founding Assembly of the EES Section Austria in Vienna (A), May 7, 2010

Founding Assembly of the
EES Section Austria
May 7, 2010, Vienna




Picture of the founding assembly of the EES Section Austria
and hand over of the nomination certificate

Dipl.-Hans Staud, Dr. Malte Berlin, MMag. Peter J. Oswald,
Wolfgang Franken, Balthasar Hauser, Dr. Ingo Friedrich,
MEP Mag. Othmar Karas, Dr. Herbert Kittinger, Dr. René Siegl

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Download of the Press-Release

(only available in German)


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Nomination Dr. Malte Berlin (f.l.t.r.)
Wolfgang Franken, EES Secretary General,
Economic Senator Dr. Malte Berlin,
Dr. Ingo Friedrich, EES-President,
MEP Mag. Othmar Karas


Nomination Balthasar Hauser (f.l.t.r.)
Wolfgang Franken, EES Secretary General,
Economic Senator Balthasar Hauser,
Dr. Ingo Friedrich, EES-President,
MEP Mag. Othmar Karas


Nomination Dr. Herbert Kittinger (f.l.t.r.)
Wolfgang Franken, EES Secretary General,
Wirtschafssenator Dr. Herbert Kittinger,
Dr. Ingo Friedrich, EES-President,
MEP Mag. Othmar Karas


Nomination MMag Peter J. Oswald (f.l.t.r.)
Wolfgang Franken, EES Secretary General,
Economic Senator MMag Peter J. Oswald,
Dr. Ingo Friedrich, EES-President,
MEP Mag. Othmar Karas


Nomination Dipl.-Kfm. Hans Staud (f.l.t.r.)
Wolfgang Franken, EES Secretary General,
Economic Senator Dipl.-Kfm. Hans Staud,
Dr. Ingo Friedrich, EES-President,
MEP Mag. Othmar Karas

(download in original size per click on the der picture)