EES Economic Talks in Berlin (GER), March 17, 2011
EES Economic Talks in Berlin with the Chairman of the
Society for Consumer Research (GfK), Claus and Wübbenhorst
and four members of parliament
Claus Wübbenhorst justified on the basis of a profound numerical data the
economic boom of Germany and the forecast that in the coming 24 months
the economic growth will remain.
With four members of the German Parliament (Secretary of State Christian Schmid,
Hans-Peter Bartels, Florian Hahn and Jürgen Hardt) we discussed the problem
of transition from a conscription army to a volunteer army intensively. As always,
the devil is in the detail but the overall situation has made necessary a fundamental
reform of the German army.
This session was followed by two expert discussions with PD Dr. habil. Markus Kaim,
Head of Research Group Security policy of the “Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)”
on: "Africa's struggle for freedom - opportunities and risks for Europe" and
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Friedmann, Honorary President of the EES, former president
of the European Court of Auditors on the topic: "Opportunities and risks of
European monetary policy "