EES Economic Talks in Herrenchiemsee (GER), July 19, 2019

EES Economic Talks Herrenchiemsee (DE), July 19-20, 2019 

The topic of our conference was: "Culture as an Economic Factor - Music Landscape as an Image Medium for an Effective Corporate Communication".

Cultural events, especially in the field of music, are not only an important economic factor for cities and regions; the music landscape is increasingly becoming an important image medium and a platform for effective corporate communication too.

In one of the most beautiful regions - not only in Bavaria - we sheded light on this topic using the example of the Herrenchiemsee Festival with all its facets, so to speak in front of and behind the scenes, to get first-hand information.

Download Programme (EN)

Economy Talks (Part 1) - Herrenchiemsee


EES Nomination

President Dr Ingo FRIEDRICH, Chairman of Supervisory Board Rolf VON HOHENHAU, Economy Senator Max AICHER, Vizepresident of Bavarian Parliament Dr Wolfgang HEUBISCH and CEO Michael JÄGER





Meet & Greet with director Joseph KRÖNER and Violinist Rebekka HARTMANN

EES Economy Talks (Part 2) – Prien

André BÜCKER, State Director of the State Theatre Augsburg, Moderator Dr Ingo FRIEDRICH, President European Economic Senate and Vice President of the Bavarian Parliament Dr Wolfgang HEUBISCH



Dr Jutta HERING-WINCKLER, Lawyer and Notary ret., 1st Chairman of the Richard Wagner Association Minden, Moderator Rolf VON HOHENHAU and Iris STEINER Publisher and Editor in Chief of the Opera Magazine ORPHEUS

For more Pictures please see the Picture Gallery in the members’ area