EES Economic Academy 2015 in Munich (GER), June 8, 2015

EES Economic Academy 2015 with the German Institute for Communication
and Media Training (DIKT) at the Vorhoelzer Forum, Technical University
of Munich (TUM)

Communication is the key to success. Leaders have to communicate with customers, employees and with the whole media spectrum. The European Economic Senate EWS brings this challenge to a point - offering its members a unique media training event with practical instructions presented by top communication specialists.

Managers are more and more faced with public review. Nevertheless they are mostly not prepared for scandal reports and shitstorms. And they often don't really know how to handle situations with representatives of pressure groups or journalists.

But these got a big influence for the reputation of companies, products and managers. Our event gives you a real insight in the relevant mechanisms of building public reputation and will strengthen your communication skills.

Topics: How to avoid mistakes as a lecturer or a panel participant? How to perform in television or radio interviews? How to become a competent and credible character?

The team of the German Institute for Communication and Media Training got a wide background in trainings for big and mid size companies. They will give you all important advices how to handle interview situations.

A very unique event in an extraordinary setting. The Vorhoelzer Forum is the viewing balcony of the German high class university TU Munich.


Prof Dr Hana MILANOV, TUM Entrepreneurship Research Institute

Video and Stage Show

Language and phonetics in speeches and interviews
“How can the correct use of the voice make a positive effect?“
Winfried BÜRZLE, Presenter and Actor


Dealing with the media and journalists - Introduction and practical examples
Dr Nikolai A. BEHR, German Institute for Communication and Media Training (DIKT)
Gunther SCHNATMANN, German Institute for Communication and Media Training (DIKT)


Catastrophes, Crisis and Shit Storm

Dr Ralf SCHNEIDER, CEO rs medienberatung, Vice President
European Journalist Association (VEJ) (second from left)

Economy Senator Nomination

(from left to right) CEO Michael Jäger, President Dr Ingo Friedrich, Economy Senator Sadik Alipour,
Chairman of Supvervisory Board Rolf von Hohenhau, Economy Senator Iray Alipour, Prof Dr.Hana Milanov
and Secretary General Wolfgang Franken


For more pictures please see the picture galery in the members' area